56km or 21km?

I have been getting up at 05h30 every morning and doing some really nice sessions at Virgin Active Century City. Thank you to adidas as well. The treadmill sessions generally last about 40-50 minutes, and towards the end I try and push it to get close to 4 minutes/km.

I don’t think I’ve done enough training this year to run the marathon on 17 February to qualify for the 56km. If I push myself for the marathon and/or Two Oceans Ultra Marathon (56km) I think I’ll be doing more bad than good. At this stage I should be doing at least a 32km over the weekend and because of time constraints I’m not able to get near that.

Mentally I’ve decided to drop to the 21km from the 56km for Two Oceans Marathon because work commitments are hampering doing longer runs over the weekend or training twice a day.

Saturday I did about 90 minutes on the treadmill whilst watching the OZ Open final and Sunday I did about 60 minutes on the treadmill. I’m really enjoying my time at Virgin Active and my adidas running shoes are working quite nicely.

There’s always next year.

Sad face!!

The 21km is a festive run so I’ll go out and enjoy it.


Source: adidasrunning.co.za